Honors ProgramHonors Program Application

New students are automatically invited to join the Honors Program if awarded a Presidential Scholarship or Transfer Presidential Scholarship, or if they enter Point Park with a 3.5 or above QPA. Other students interested in joining the Honors Program should complete the application below and prepare an essay as directed at the bottom of the form.

We are at capacity and are no longer accepting new students into the Honors Program for 2024.
Please email honors@pointpark.edu with any questions.

Please write a brief statement – about 250-500 words – as to why you want to join the Honors Program. We can accept an MS Word document or a PDF file. We encourage you to include specific examples of your work in the past (either in high school or in other areas) that demonstrates your interest in Honors. Be sure to include your name and email address on your statement. Naming convention for your file should be:


All applicants must also write a response to the following question (250-500 words).

The Honors Program makes connections between various disciplines to learn more about each individually and to push their boundaries collectively. The Honors Program at Point Park encourages students to explore various subjects and approaches to learning in an effort to develop changemakers who will have a positive impact on the world. How will the work you hope to pursue in the Honors Program help you positively influence the world around you?" 

We can accept an MS Word document or a PDF file.

Be sure to include your name and email address on your essay.

Naming convention for your file should be:LastName_FirstName_HONORS